AKB48 Sekai Senbatsu Sousenkyo has it’s lowest TV ratings

The average audience rating of the 10th AKB48 Sekai Senbatsu Sousenkyo (AKB48 World General Elections) live broadcast was the lowest since the one-evening event was broadcast on television.

The live broadcast received an 11.0%, 2.2 below last year’s 13.2% (in the Kanto Region according to Video Research Daily News).

Fuji TV has been airing the AKB48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo since 2012 and in 2012, it received a 18.7% rating, in 2013  a 20.3% rating, in 2014 a 16.2% rating, in 2015 an 18.8% rating and in 2016 a 17.6% rating.

The highest rating was in 2013 when Sashihara Rino became the Queen for the very first time.  And that year, the special aired from 6:30 p.m. to 11:10 p.m. (4 hrs. and 40 min. long) and viewershiped remained steady at 20.3%.