IZ*ONE members/Produce48 Trainees on Tik Tok (Official Tik Tok accounts)

We have received e-mail from our readers wanting to know if there any IZ*ONE members or Produce48 trainees that have official accounts on TikTok.

The answer is yes!

But here is our list… It’s incomplete, so we’ll need your help!

If you know of other official Tik Tok accounts to add to this list, please let us know in the comments with their name and ID.

The following is listed by their “Produce48” ranking.  Their Tik Tok ID is posted right next to their names.

#2 – IZ*ONE/HKT48’s Miyawaki Sakura – @39Sakuchan

#6 – IZ*ONE’s HKT48’s Yabuki Nako – None

IZ*ONE/HKT48 member Yabuki Nako doesn’t have an account but she has appeared on HKT48’s Tashima Meru’s Tik Tok (@meruchan0107) a few times:

#18 – AKB8’s Shitao Miu (@30550745649)

#20 NMB48’s Shiroma Miru (@shiromiru36)

#24 AKB48 Goto Moe – N/A

Note: We know Goto Moe is on TikTok, but we are unaware of her official Tik Tok ID.  She also can be seen in Shitao Miu’s Tik Tok videos as well.

#33 AKB48 Chiba Erii (@eriierii1027a)

#34 AKB48s Kojima Mako (@mako_2525)

#59 AKB48’s Nakano Ikumi (@30238169161a)

#77 AKB48’s Nagano Serika (@serika888)