Tegoshi Yuya ends contract with Johnny’s Jimusho, NEWS to continue as a 3-person unit

Tegoshi Yuya (32) had ended his exclusive contract with Johnny’s Jimusho.

Tegoshi was punished in late May and had to refrain from entertainment activity for violating the emergency declaration orders due to the novel coronavirus by going out with women and hanging out friends.

NEWS will continue on its activity with three people and Tegomass which featured Tegoshi and Masuda Takahisa is now deactivated.

Johnny’s announced on their website:

We would like to inform you that we have discussed the termination of the exclusive contract with Tegoshi Yuya and today, we have canceled the exclusive contract.

We would like to sincerely apologize for the sudden report to all the fans who kept watching NEWS and continued to support them.  Koyama Keiichiro, Kato Shigeaki and Masuda Takahisa will work together for NEWS and devote themselves to the activities of the group and as individuals.

We look forward to your continued support.

UPDATE: Media are reporting rumors that Tegoshi Yuya may be getting into restaurant management, as he has a strong relationship with a famous businessman.  Also, that he will be a YouTuber.