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Fans are concerned about HKT48 members (on “Produce48”) going back and forth from South Korea and Japan

Fans have voiced their concerns over AKB48G members (members of AKB48, AKB48 Team 8, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48 and NGT48) for how they have to continually go from South Korea and back to Japan, back and forth nearly every other day.  Fulfilling their commitments in Japan and fulfilling their commitments in South Korea.

Considering that the Miyawaki Sakura had to miss her handshake meeting last week, there are concerns that the members are not getting enough rest.  Especially that the members are preparing for the next elimination round and Concept Evaluation as “Produce48” will become more intense and competitive.

All surviving AKB48G members headed back to Japan on Sunday for their handshake meeting.

In August, members will be preparing for the preliminary games for the AKB48 Janken Tournament which will be held at Makuhari from August 10-12th.  The actual tournament will be on September 23, 2018.

Unlike the Senbatsu Sousenkyo which is done by votes (highest votes becomes the center and the top 12 will be featured in the fall AKB48 single), this time those who pass the preliminaries in a match of rock-paper-scissors (Jyanken Pon) in August will be among the members who will compete in the Jyanken tournament in September.  Whoever wins gets to be the center and the top 12 in the tournament perform the main single track for AKB48 in the winter.

While the members have a lot on their schedule, so far, the AKB48G members still in the competition have shown determination and their drive of wanting to stay and make it into the Top 12.

So, all we can do is wish them the best.

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