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“Au no Santaro” Thumb’s Up Princess has actually appeared in various CM’s and had an Instagram account since December 2017

A new CM of the popular “Au no Santaro” series of KDDI commercials is currently airing in Japan and this time it features an injured oni (portrayed by Suda Masaki) coming to see his friends but is in very bad shape. He tells them that a big oni hurt him.

The group wants to help their injured friend but a small figure appears and says “Let’s get rid of the oni”.  Everyone is in shock until the three princesses see the small figure and each say, “Mama!”.

But it was revealed that “Mama” a.k.a. “Thumb’s Up Princess” has actually appeared in numerous CM’s since December 2017!!!

An Instagram page was created back in December 2017 featuring the characters of “Au no Santaro” but also Instagram photos of tiny dishes. At the time, many weren’t sure what the photos were about and no one thought anything of it. Especially since the Instagram followed only the three actresses who play the three princesses: Nanao, Kawaei Rina and Arimura Kasumi.

That was until the CM came out in May 2019:

But where was the tiny mother princess all along?  Here are some examples:



In addition, NetLab was able to confirm with KDDI that the Instagram account is official.


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