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“Golgo 13” mangaka Saito Takao has passed away

“Golgo 13” mangaka Saito Takao (84) passed away on September 24th at 10:42 a.m. due to pancreatic cancer.

The announcement was made on the official website of Saito Production with Shogakukan’s Big Comic Editorial Department.

The funeral was held by a few relatives to the novel coronvirus infection.

The serialization of “Golgo 13” will continue in the future with the cooperation of staff and the editorial department according to the will of Saito.

“Golgo 13” has the Guiness Book of Record for manga series with the most published volumes. The manga series has been serialized in the same magazine (Shogakukan’s “Big Comic”) since 1968 featuring the activities of Duke Togo, a super-class sniper.

“Golgo 13” is the oldest manga still in publication. It has sold over 280 million copies in various formats, including compilation books, making it the second or third-best-selling manga series and the top selling Seinen manga series in history.

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