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Fukuyama Masaharu to star as a villain in the Japanese Disney animated film “Wish”

Singer Fukuyama Masaharu (54) will be the voice actor for a Disney movie for the first time. In the Japanese version of Disney’s 100th anniversary animated film “Wish” (released on December 15th), he provided the voice of King Magnifico, who is said to be “the most terrifying villain in Disney history”. He also shows off his singing voice in the movie.

The story is set in a kingdom where it is said that any wish can come true, and the heroine is the bright and positive Asha (voiced by Ikuta Erika). One day, she learns the truth that “all wishes are controlled by a king who manipulates magic”.

The opponent he confronts is King Magnifico, who says, “I want everyone’s wishes back”. The king is a terrifying person who controls the power of the people’s wishes and tries to obtain even greater magical power.

Fukuyama was selected after an audition by the U.S. headquarters because his “low, calm voice could express the dignity and strength of a king”. Fukuyama described his role as, “I think he is a tragic king who has become a sad person because of excessive justice”.


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