People on YouTube trolled when they thought the full version of “Detective Pikachu” was illegally uploaded on YouTube, receives over 4.7 million views

Actor Ryan Reynolds (who provides the voice of Detective Pikachu) has tricked everyone when he directed people to what looked like an illegally uploaded full movie of “Detective Pikachu” on YouTube on May 7th and the video which is 1:42:53 long has received over 4.7 million views.

The video has R. Reynolds name and while the film looks like it has been illegally uploaded, in reality, it’s nearly two hours of Pikachu dancing over and over.  Go figure, it is on the Detective Pikachu YouTube channel.

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Download first ask questions later 1.17gbs later. Dammit

Finally, a live action is done in the correct way…..and why nobody is talking about the ending ??? I Almost cried here 1:42:53

I don’t know what’s more addicting. Seeing Pikachu dance or the zany workout music