Miyasako Hiroyuki is back! YouTube channel was created, apology was released

Miyasako Hiroyuki (49) has created a YouTube channel and posted a public apology.

Miyasako said that for the past six months, he thought about the fans, his seniors and juniors in the comedy world and his family.

Miyasako also talked about creating his own YouTube channel.

In the last two hours since the video has been posted, there have been about 5,000 likes and over 7,000 dislikes but as more people are discovering the video, one can expect to see the number of followers rise and the likes/dislike ratio to change dramatically.

Last summer, numerous entertainers represented by Yoshimoto Kogyo, Co. (the largest comedy agency in Japan) were suspended or released by appearing at parties hosted by an antisocial organization.

One comedian, Irie Shinya of the comedy duo Karateka, has been released by Yoshimoto Kogyo, Co., for arranging the appearances that the parties without going through the agency.

Eleven celebrities had originally been suspended: Miyasako Hiroyuki, Tamura Ryo, Razor Ramon HG, Fukushima Yoshinari, Kumada Masashi, Hamasaki Punch, Kimura Takuhiro, Katsuyama Moody, Yasoshima Hiroyuki, Tsunemichi Hiroshi and Diego.

Many of the comedians admitted they attended but Miyasako and others denied that they knew the party was for an antisocial group and that they never received any payment for their appearance. Which proved to be false after an in-house probe, in which Miyasako and others admitted to it.

For Miyasako, the final straw for the company was a recent photo from the tabloid of Miyasako having a drink with Noguchi Kazuki, the person who was one of the alleged mastermind of a gold heist in Fukuoka’s Hakata ward back in 2016. A group of three men dressed in police uniforms and snatched gold bars worth roughly 760 million yen. Noguchi and his brother are well-known underworld figures in Nagoya and leaders of the hangure gang.

Due to Miyasako’s popularity and that he and Tamura Ryo had a press conference which showed the two popular comedians in tears and apologizing, Yoshimoto Kogyo had since apologized and have appealed for Miyasako to return and also changed their operations on working with their talent.