I.N.A. to release the book “Kimi no inai sekai’〜 hide to sugoshita 2486-nichi no kiseki 〜 (The World Without You ~2486 days spent with hide~)

As 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the death of hide, the X Japan guitarist and popular solo artist/musician/producer, who passed away on May 2, 1988.

One of hide’s closest confidants was his drummer, I.N.A. (for hide with spread beaver) and also a renown musician, producer, composer, recording engineer and DJ.  And I.N.A. will be releasing the book “Kimi no inai sekai’〜 haido to sugoshita 2486-nichi no kiseki 〜” (The World Without You ~2486 days spent with hide~), which will be released on April 28th.

I.N.A. has never talked much about his friendship and working relationship with hide and the book will feature a lot of his memories working with hide.

hide had said, “I want to use I.N.A.’s talent for just me” and that led to their strong musical bond and would lead them to create music together.

The book will cost Y1600 and contain 244-pages and will only be sold at Yamaha musical instruments store or through Yamaha’s music media online shop.

The book will feature the following contents:

00 君のいない世界
01 プロローグ
02 出会い
03 ロサンゼルス
04 ハードコアテクノくん
05 酒と泪とヒデラと消防車
06 hideソロプロジェクト始動
07 2枚のシングル
08 アンセム
09 LAの青い空 その壱
10 ほんとにあったヤバい話
11 LAの青い空 その弐
12 未来人の片鱗
13 LAの青い空 その参
15 ギブソン レスポール
16 過酷な日々
18 LAの青い空 再び
19 hideとzilchとX JAPAN
21 3・2・1
22 時代の終焉
23 hide with Spread Beaver
24 未来人
25 エピローグ