22/7 performs a mini-live at Sunshine City Fountain Plaza in Ikebukuro

Akimoto x Aniplex Sony Music Records voice actress/digital idol group 22/7 (Nanabun no Nijuuni) celebrated their second single “Shampoo no Nioi ga Shita” with a mini-live at Sunshine City Fountain Plaza in Ikebukuro.

The location was where the group made their first debut.

Hanakawa Mei who does the voice of Saito Nicole said, “This is the place where 11 of us did our live for the very first time.  So, I’m very happy to be able to do a live here again!”.

The group performed the following songs for the “Shampoo no Nioi ga Shita” commemoration event on April 13th:

01. 循環バス
02. やさしい記憶
03. 叫ぶしかない青春
04. 人格崩壊
05. シャンプーの匂いがした

More commemoration events are being planned for May 6, 26 and June 9th.  Please click here for more details.