Miyawaki Sakura plays more Fortnite

Miyawaki Sakura may be busy with her idol duties, performing with HKT48 and AKB48 and one of the Japanese trainees competing for the top 12 position for the South Korean Mnet reality TV show “Produce 48”, but she manages to fit some time for gaming once in awhile and posts gaming videos on her YouTube channel.   In this case, today she had some time to play the popular video game, “Fortnite”!

In this latest video, Miyawaki is still learning the game and having fun but you can tell she also enjoys watching how things play out after her character is killed and watching the top people compete in the end.

In this case, watching gamer David_Section310 winning the Fortnite Victory Royale (Fortnite Battle Royale) which Sakura gladly cheers for him after his win.

Here is Sakura’s latest gaming video posted on YouTube.

Meanwhile, watch Sakura’s A performance from Friday’s episode of “Produce48”: