Terrace House: Opening New Doors Episode 34 (Spoiler alert) – Three move out, Yui learns more about herself and more!

As I wrote about episode 33, revealing the three who will be leaving the Terrace House, the episode was literally the goodbye of Shimabukuro Seina, Ishikura Noah and Nakamura Takayuki.

As Seina and Noaha start their new life together and I’m sure they have been wanting a lot of private time with one another, Nakamura Takayuki is seen with the woman that he is truly in love with.   It turns out that the woman is Nozawa Reika…Miss Universe Japan 2018 Tokyo.


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WTF!  How is it that Nakamura has kept this secret for this long?  Making us think he liked Ami, Aya when in fact, behind-the-scenes, he’s had an interest and no, it’s not a basic snow bunny living in Karuizawa, it’s Miss Universe 2018 Tokyo?

Meanwhile, we get to see Shion and Tsubasa along with Shohei returning to the “Terrace House” for their former housemate’s final day.

Meanwhile, footage not shown in this episode:

Probably the best part of this episode, seeing Yui watch herself on “Terrace House” and seeing the hosts diss on her because of her attitude on the show.  Whether the show captured her true personality or just evil editing, nevertheless…she watched, she saw herself, she didn’t like it.  Now, let’s see if we get a different, better Yui this time around.

We also get a teaser for the upcoming three who will be moving in….which will be interesting.  But if anything, bringing something new to the show and now a different direction.

As for the houseguests, they posted this on Instagram.  Seina said she will not return for the series again…but hopefully that’s true and she and Noah are a perfect match and get married and have fun post-Terrace House!  We’ll definitely miss her…Arigato Miss Terrace House!


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