Sakaguchi Anri alleges that she was assaulted at a host club in Kabukicho

Back on February 20th, former AV star turned TV talent, Sakaguchi Anri posted a photo of her at a hospital with a sling around her right arm.

At first, Sakaguchi wrote that her finger was caught on the door and broke her ring finger and included X-rays of her broken finger.

But now Sakaguchi has announced what truly happened to her on an Instagram post on March 10th:


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事実を全て書きます 18日かな?歌舞伎町で友達とホストクラブへ飲みに行きました。 またホストクラブ行ったの? と、誹謗中傷されても構いません。 話を戻すと、某ホストクラブの30歳半ばの男性が酔ってだかわからないですが、いきなり蹴りくらわされ、髪を引っ張られ、手を踏まれ、全治3ヶ月、手術、入院、プレートが抜けるまでは半年から一年。 全身麻酔の手術。 利き手なのでドリンクを開けるのにも5分はかかります。 何をするにも指がひびき、もっとわるくなるのではないかと怖いです。 食事をするのも親指と人差し指しか使えないので普段だったら15分で食べられる食事も30分はかかります。 何が一番って、 お風呂も入るのが一番困難です。 これから芸能界復帰なのにもかかわらずこんな悲惨な事になるなんて想像もつきませんでした。 とにかく生活に不自由すぎて笑えないです。 利き手な分、毎日がストレスです。 ドアに手を挟んじゃいました🤗 だなんて、隠していて申し訳ありません。 その場で警察にも電話しませんでした。被害届も出していないです。SNSにも一切晒さなかったです。それは彼の生活の為です。 ただ私も人間なんで色々あり、今日のこの文面が全ての骨折の理由です。今更すみません。 こんな事がある歌舞伎町にはもう二度と近づきたくないです。 また歌舞伎町行って飲んでるお前が悪い、などたくさんの誹謗中傷をされてもかまいません。 ただ私は事実を書きたく伝えたかっただけです。

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Sakaguchi wrote:

Has it been 18 days?  I went to a host club with a friend in Kabukicho. I’m not sure if a guy at the host club was drunk but. I was suddenly kicked, my hair was pulled and my hand was stepped on. It will take three months of full rehabilitation, this includes surgery, hospitalization and the removal of the plate within sixth months to a year.

My dominant hand was affected, so now it takes five minutes just to open a drink.  I I’m scared because I’m afraid it will get worse.

I can only eat meals using my thumb and forefinger, so it takes 15 minutes just to eat.  And the most difficult is taking a bath.

I can’t imagine being back in the entertainment world while feeling miserable.  I’m too lazy to laugh, every day is stressful for my dominant hand.

As for catching my finger on the door, I’m sorry I hid the truth.

I did not call the police, nor did I issue a damage report, nor did I post about it on SNS.

Sakaguchi went on, “I never want to come to Kabukicho again, where such a thing can happen.  Also, going to Kabukicho to drink, people think you are bad and a lot of people talk bad about you.  But I just wanted to tell you the facts”.

In the comments, people wrote why she did not file a police report.  It’s important that she does so.

One wrote, “Why even post about it if you are not going to file a police report.  That is the mystery!”

People also wrote they knew that break had to be done by something bad, not by a door.