AnimeJapan 2019 – Convention Report Part 3 (The Many Booth Girls and the few Booth Guys)

I remember several years ago when E3 made the stance to feature less booth girls, as the event featured a lot of them.  And remember thinking, why?  They were a big part of the event and I understand the event wanting people to be focused on the games but for an event with so many people and many lines (and a lot of waiting around), probably the only thing that made the event more tolerable during the wait is the hardworking people working those gaming booths.

One thing that I like about the companies promoting their products at AnimeJapan and Tokyo Game Show is that they feel the booth girl and booth guys help enhance their product and doesn’t take away from that.

I have to agree as those working the booths tirelessly worked hours to get clear files, flyers and whatever they can to get people to know more about the programming or merchandise at a booth.

One thing was evident at AnimeJapan 2019, the number of booth girls and booth guys was no doubt a major increase.  Covering the event, it’s always interesting to see the presence of booth girls and guys at the event.  At this event, it was no doubt 97% booth girls vs. the 3% booth guys.  Granted, there were many male employees working the event but only a few in costume or actively promoting outside a booth.

Here are our photos of numerous booth girl and guys at AnimeJapan 2019:

I’ll be back with part 4 of my convention report from AnimeJapan 2019!