EXILE’s TETSUYA has to take a break from performing due to kneecap dislocation

「両側膝蓋骨亜脱臼症候群」でパフォーマンス当面休止するEXILE TETSUYA (C)ORICON NewS inc.

EXILE’s TETSUYA was diagnosed with a patellar suxluxation injury and will have to take time off from performing.

Patellera subluxation syndrome is a partial dislocation of the kneecap (patella).  Several groups of muscles and ligaments hold the kneecap in place and when those become injured, your kneecap may move out of groove and it will cause pain and difficulty flexing the knee.

TETSUYA has been having this discomfort since two years ago and while he felt discomfort, went to the hospital frequently and changing his training, after the EXILE tour this past February, he realized the condition of his knee hasn’t improved.  So he must refrain from performing and go for treatment.

TETSUYA said, “I will try to return back as the performer that you have supported.  I am making every effort to return as a performer.  I apologize to the fans and everyone who was looking forward to my  performance. And as for next year’s ‘LDH PERFECT YEAR 2020’, I will do my best to dance again, so please wait for me.”.