Represent Chikyuu, Jasmine and Maximum the Hormone send out apology statements for power/sexual harassment PR stunt

Back in April DJ Shacho of Represent Chikyuu did an apology that he was stepping back due to power/sexual harassment.  A few days ago, a singer named Jasmine started posting that she was being sexually harassed and power harassed by DJ Shacho and posted telephone screen captures which was followed by a retweet by retweeted by Maximum the Hormone.

Needless to say, when Represent Chikyuu’s video went up on YouTube, it featured DJ Shacho with a shaved head and then a video going back to a video he posted on April.  It then cut to a music video featuring them, Maximum the Hormone and Jasmine (the person who alleged the power/sexual harassment).  And after the music video, DJ Shacho announced that the Represent Chikyuu were back.

And tweets from Jasmine promoting her music video and revealing the strategy that it was planned back in April.

So, the concern that people had towards Jasmine about her being sexually harassed and receiving power harassment from DJ Shacho was false.  It was part of the music video (and the song) and it revealed it was all a PR stunt to promote a music video collaboration among the three and for Jasmine to promote her music video.

While Represent Chikyuu fanatics supported the group and thought it was funny, there was a wave of displeasure towards the band, Jasmine and Maximum the Hormone.

Represent Chikyuu pulled down their music video hours later but the message of their comeback got through to over a million people, so their intention to announce their comeback was successful.

Jasmine’s new music video has 12,000+ dislikes and still receives a lot of negative comments, while Maximum the Hormone went with the flow and noticed a lot of negative comments towards them.

This forced both bands to release apology statements, which was followed by a statement by Jasmine.

Comments were as follows on Maximum the Hormones statement:

Please do not get involved with them again, because I like the Hormones!

I saw the official Twitter of Repzen and YouTube and confirmed the video has now been deleted. I was really relieved. Thank you very much. You have built up a trusting relationship so big, that it shouldn’t break down like this. Please deliver cool music from now on! I support you all the way!

First, I wanted to ask you to delete the video because it made people feel so uncomfortable to the point of being nauseous. I do not want to see it again. I was honestly disappointed by the uproar because I love the Hormones!

Comments on Jasmine’s statement:

Your apology is just a performance and are lies!

Retirement is your only option.  Goodbye.

Please stop SNS

Nobody believes your word anymore.

Keep silent.

How are you feeling now?  Are you comfortable with all the attention because of the lies?