Terrace House: Aloha State’s Taishi and Chikako have broken up

It was announced on the SNS of “Terrace House: Aloha State” Tamaki Taishi and Fukuyama Chikako that the two have broken up.

Chikako has posted on Instagram:

To my wonderful Terrace house friends – 
Some of you may have noticed that Taishi and I have not been making appearances together. I would like to share that Taishi and I decided to go our separate ways a few months ago. We decided to keep this news private to give both of us time to move forward. 
Taishi and I are still as close as we were. We will always be best of friends.

Thanks to everyone who supported our relationship. I will never forget how you took time from your lives to send kind messages over this past year- I have genuinely appreciated the incredible support and love we have received. 
Thank you again, and I cannot express how much I appreciate your support.


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テラスハウスファンの皆様へ もうお気づきの方もいらっしゃるとは思いますが、お付き合いしていた玉城大志さんと数ヶ月前にお別れしたことをご報告致します。 いつも2人のことを応援して頂いていた皆様に直ぐにご報告出来なかったこと大変申し訳ございませんでした。 2人で何度も話し合ってこのような形を取らせて頂きました。色々なご意見があるとは思いますが、これからは友達としてお互いのことを応援しあえたらと思います。 どうぞ、これからもよろしくお願い致します。 To my wonderful Terrace house friends – Some of you may have noticed that Taishi and I have not been making appearances together. I would like to share that Taishi and I decided to go our separate ways a few months ago. We decided to keep this news private to give both of us time to move forward. Taishi and I are still as close as we were. We will always be best of friends. Thanks to everyone who supported our relationship. I will never forget how you took time from your lives to send kind messages over this past year- I have genuinely appreciated the incredible support and love we have received. Thank you again, and I cannot express how much I appreciate your support.

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Taishi posted on Instagram:

Hello all! .
Today I’m writing this to let you that Chikako and I have decided to part ways. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to give you this important update earlier. I know some of you have been wondering about it.
We discussed a lot and thought this through. 
Even though we are no longer together, we are still good friends and I would like to wish her the very best in everything.
Thank you for your continuous support for both of us. We really appreciate it.
We both have our dreams to pursue in LA so hope to give you guys exciting news! .


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Hello all! . Today I’m writing this to let you that Chikako and I have decided to part ways. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to give you this important update earlier. I know some of you have been wondering about it. . We discussed a lot and thought this through. Even though we are no longer together, we are still good friends and I would like to wish her the very best in everything. . Thank you for your continuous support for both of us. We really appreciate it. . We both have our dreams to pursue in LA so hope to give you guys exciting news! . . 【ご報告】 . ちかちゃんとお別れしました。 . 報告が遅くなってしまって申し訳ありません。 . 今まで応援して頂いた皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。 . 詳しくはブログで書いてるのでよかったら見て下さい。 . #死ぬほどの恋

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