“Shirobako” animated film trailer was released

The “Shirobako” animated film is set for Spring 2020 and today, the trailer was released for the animated film:

“Shirobako” begins with five friends: Miyamori Aoi, Yasuhara Ema, Sakasaki Shizuka, Todo Misa and Imai Midori working on a high school animation club project together before graduation. Utilizing each of their skills, all five make a goal to go into the anime industry and one day, each of them will work together on an actual anime.

Fastforward years later, Ema is a key animator, Shizuka is pursuing a career as a voice actress, Misa is a 3D computer graphics operator, Midori is a college student and the main character focused on is Aoi, who works as a production assistant for Musashino Animation.

The series focuses on the inner workings of how an anime series is made for television and the challenges that Musashino Animation faces in making sure the series gets aired on television in time, but most importantly, showing viewers the production challenges before an episode is finalized. Also, showing the various different jobs that employees partake in, while working for an animation studio.