SKE48 announced the 12 who passed the final audition to become the 10th generation trainees

(C)2019 Zest,Inc.

SKE48 has announced the successful applicants of the 10th gen auditions on November 19tth.

Based on the results of the final web voting, 12 people were selected with one as young as 10-years-old and one as old as 20-years-old.

Also, a few who are part of the 12 came from Aichi prefecture, Saitama, Osaka and the Philippines.

These 12 will take part in the SKE48 coupling song “Soyutoko Aruyone?” which will be released on January 15th.

The successful 12 are as follows:

▽SKE48第10期生オーディション 最終審査合格者(エントリーNo.順)
No.5 石塚 美月/愛知 (16歳)
No.8 伊藤 実希/愛知 (17歳)
No.9 西井 美桜/大阪 (18歳)
No.24 林 美澪/愛知 (10歳)
No.25 杉山 歩南/愛知 (13歳)
No.27 鬼頭 未来/愛知 (16歳)
No.34 木内 俐椛子/大阪 (17歳)
No.38 加藤 結/大阪 (18歳)
No.40 青木 莉樺 /大阪 (20歳)
No.66 五十嵐 早香/フィリピン (18歳)
No.75 瀬谷 萌香/埼玉 (18歳)
No.85 澤田 奏音/愛知 (15歳)
