misono posted a photo of her weight loss due to her poor health

misono has posted a photo of herself and the side effects of the medication for treating her Meniere’s Disease.  She wrote about having been bedrest for three days due to a fever and the only thing she has drank was water and could not eat at all.

Many people are worried as this is the thinnest they have seen of misono and misono even brought up on her Instagram that people commented that she is becoming a skeleton and not cute. Many wished the singer to get well.

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. . ※misono official Blogより (修正、加工、アプリ、一切なし) . ↓ . 12/ 歌唱かラジオか講演会か撮影があったのですが . 12/は、熱&咳がピークで… 『3日間、寝たきり&4日間、水分のみ』でした, . ご覧の通り、痩せたはずなのに 全然、カッコよくないので… . 皆様『健康第一&病は気から』です… こうはならないように、気をつけて下さい… . 『メニエール病の薬の副作用で、やっぱり顔がムクんでる』という人もいたので… . 自分的には、顔がコケて良かったのですが『ガイコツみたいで、可愛くない』って呟かれてるし(笑) . 『どーやって痩せられたんですか』 『どーやって維持してるんですか』 『もう35歳だから太らなくなったんですか』 . という質問が1番、多いのですが… 結局は『体調不良』が1番、落ちます(笑) . でも太りやすい体質なので、 食べ始めたらすぐに体重は戻ります… . #misono

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Since last year, it was known that misono had been suffering from health issues and she recently announced that she would be limiting a few activities in October including YouTube.

In October, it was revealed by misono that she is suffering from Meniere’s disease. A disease which has affected other performers such as Imai Tsubasa of Tackey and Tsubasa, Kubota Toshinobu, GENKING, Miho Jun, Aida Shoko and others.

What is Meniere’s disease?

According to mayoclinic.org, “Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can lead to dizzy spells (vertigo) and hearing loss. In most cases, Meniere’s disease affects only one ear. Meniere’s disease can occur at any age, but it usually starts between young and middle-aged adulthood”.

Misono said that while supporting her husband who had cancer, she had a busy schedule but she was unable to sing because her ear hurt very much and she would wake up dizzy and had to wait until the dizziness subsided.

Her doctor told her to rest and to not get stressed but she was recommended to change her lifestyle, so she decided to limit her activities.  But as you can see from the photos, the side effects have led to major weight loss for the singer.