Higashide Masahiro’s TV Asahi drama “Keiji to Kenji Shokatsu to Chiken no 24-ji” takes a hit in the ratings

source: https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/keijitokenji/ (C) TV ASAHI

The new TV Asahi drama “Keiji to Kenji Shokatsu to Chiken no 24-ji” starring Kiritani Kenta and Higashide Masahiro has taken a hit in the ratings.

The second episode of the drama which airs on Thursday at 9:00 p.m. dropped from 12.0% to 9.7%.

Higashide Masahiro (31) is embroiled in a scandal that he had a three-year affair with actress Karata Erika (22). Higashide is married to actress and model, Watanabe Anne (33) and has three young children.

Meanwhile, the anger towards Higashide can be seen in the scathing comments on the “Keiji to Kenji” Instagram. Comments are as follows:

The audience rating has gone down.

I can’t watch a drama starring a person who betrayed Anne.

It’s unpleasant to watch a drama and hear Higashide Masahiro’s voice. The person who did a terrible thing is in a lead role. Now the drama is ruined. I was looking forward to the drama because of Kiritani Kenta but I don’t want to see it anymore as long as Higashide is in it.

I will not buy sponsored products for this drama.

While the drama is not guilty, my willingness to watch it has disappeared. It’s a pity. I think it’s tough on the other performers.

If you do not drop this drama, no one will watch it think sponsored products will be affected. I don’t think any female will watch this drama.

I am nauseated by your terrible behavior.

How can you face your other talents?

I do not want to see Higashide.

Higashide makes me feel uncomfortable