HYDE tweets about his disappointment of seeing crowds at izakaya’s and possibility of spreading the virus

HYDE posted on Twitter of his thoughts of seeing crowds of people at izakayas.

HYDE tweeted, “I was stunned to see a crowd of people at Izakayas and they are thinking they are fine. I think that restaurants should also take measures to prevent infection by keeping seats at a minimum.  We can not be ignorant of what If these people infected our loved ones? Their sins would be heavy”.

The tweet has received over 91,000 retweets and over 251,000 likes.

Many people showed their support of HYDE’s comments:

“Thanks HYDE! We must take HYDE’s remarks seriously and act on it! As a fan, I’m worried about HYDE’s body more than anything”.

“Thank you HYDE. It’s shocking that everyone here don’t have enough crisis awareness”.

“I hope HYDE’s words reaches everyone!”