Watanabe Naomi singing “Koi” to Hoshino Gen goes viral

Hoshino Gen’s “Koi” is no doubt one of the most favorite songs of Japanese in last five years. Released in 2016 and featured on the very popular drama “Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu”, it led to a dance phenomenon on YouTube (until the label decided to have all dance videos taken down due to music copyright after a month).

Needless to say, Watanabe Naomi and Hoshino Gen are staying home and what happened when Watanabe Naomi decided to sing “Koi” in front of Hoshino?

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私がやっているYouTube LIVE企画、「今夜私と一緒にディナーしよう」に特別ゲストで昨日、星野源さんに来ていただきました! 同時視聴最高8.9万人でした😳みなさんと一緒にお食事できて寂しくなかったよ🥺❤️ 星野さんが作詞作曲して インスタにあげている #うちで踊ろう をご本人横にいるバージョンで踊りました😘 ハモリとか出来ないくせに最初ちょっと歌ってるの、なんか無理😂 あとずっと中腰で泣いた😂 星野さんの思いがたくさん詰まったうちで踊ろうをみんなで踊ろう🙆‍♀️🌸 不安な中お仕事されている方々、日々お疲れ様です。そして、不要不急の外出をされていない方々、毎日家にいて不安で寂しくて辛い思いもされていると思います。私も一人暮らしでとんでもなく寂しい😞少しでもみんなのおうち時間がハッピーになるように始めた「一緒ディナー」にお忙しい中快く出演して下さった星野源さん、ありがとうございました✨生配信見てくださった皆様、本当にありがとうございました🌸 またご飯食べる時、お知らせします🥺✨ #あなたと歩く Gen Hoshino a major Japanese singer joined me in my YouTube LIVE series “Everyone at home! Come eat dinner with me!” last night! The most viewers at one moment was 89,000 people 😳I wasn’t lonely because I was able to eat with all of you🥺❤️ Hoshino-san wrote the song and lyrics to #うちで踊ろう (translation: let’s dance at home, read: Uchi de Odoro) that he’s been posting, and I did a version with him actually next to me😘 I can’t harmonize but look at me trying😂and being crouched over the whole time made me tearful😂 Let’s all dance to Uchi de Odoro, a song that Hoshino-san put lots of his thoughts and feelings into 🙆‍♀️🌸 A big shout out to all those who are working amidst all this. For those of you who have been staying home, you may be nervous, lonely and having a tough time. I live alone too and extremely lonely😞 A big thank you to Hoshino-san who appeared without hesitation in my “dinner together” series that I started to make everyone’s time at home even a little bit happier ✨Thank you very much to everyone who watched the live stream 🌸 I’ll let you know when I’m doing “dinner” again🥺✨

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