Jazz pianist Takagi Riyoko is back with two LUPIN THE THIRD Mine Fujiko cosplay and performances

source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCinAlEatpwEApW3y1YHSwjQ

jazz pianist Takagi Riyoko has been playing the piano since the age of 4.

In college, she would perform at live houses and clubs and even take part in competitions worldwide.

Known for her sexy performances, Takagi has caught the attention of many people as she cosplayed many popular anime characters and played many of the theme songs, as well as showcasing her singing voice.

This time around, she returns with two LUPIN THE THIRD videos cosplaying as the popular character Mine Fujiko, singing and playing the theme song!  Check it out!

And it appears that Takagi may have an Evangelion-inspired video coming soon, as seen on her latest Instagram post!


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‪今日もいいお天気だったね❤️ そんな中引きこもりつつ(笑)でも一日たくさんピアノ練習できて幸せな一日でした😋 さて、今日も色々なネットニュースさんが取り上げてくださっていましたが、 コスプレとお風呂は趣味なのですが🛀 (笑) ピアノは本業です🎹😋 次はみんなが大好きなエバの曲もアップするかも?? 近日またいろいろお楽しみにしててね〜〜😆👏💓 Riyo Channel✨🎹❤️ https://youtube.com/user/riyopiano ‬#ピアノ #ピアニスト #高木里代子 #エヴァンゲリオン #アニメ #アニソン #綾波レイ #綾波レイコスプレ #コスプレ #コスプレイヤー‬ ‪#ジャズピアニスト #ジャズピアノ ‬ ‪#エヴァンゲリオン #evangelion #YouTube #piano #jazz #anime #japanesegirl #sexy ‬ ‪#近日予告‬ #お風呂あがり

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