HIKAKIN is featured on the cover of “Big Comic” (June 25, 2020)

Japan’s most famous YouTuber HIKAKIN is featured on the June 25, 2020 cover of “Big Comic”.

Along with his cats Maruo and Mofuko, HIKAKIN is featured with a big head.

In Japan, HIKAKIN has over 8.5 million followers and because of the insane amount of money he makes, has made elementary school students want to become a YouTuber as their a profession when they grow up.

In addition, this issue features “BLUE GIANT EXPLORER”, which is the American arc of Ishizuka Shinichi’s manga “BLUE GIANT”.  The previous series “Blue Giant Supreme” covering the European Arc was completed on May 9th (the second series began on September 2016) and explores Miyamoto Dai, a student who loves to play the saxophone and dreams to become the world’s best saxophone player.