Voice actor Tsuda Kenjiro announced his marriage on Instagram… Not because he wanted to.

Voice actor Tsuda Kenjiro, best known for his voice acting role as Inui Sadaharu (Prince of Tennis) and Kaiba Seto, the antagonist in “Yu-Gi-Oh!”, announced his marriage on Instagram.

But unlike more happier posts about marriage, this announcement was prompted due to a magazine publishing an article of his marriage.

Tsuda said that he first met his wife when he began as a stage actor and the two had a child and now they have two children.

At the beginning of their marriage, they would receive letters that threatened the safety of their lives, so he felt it would be best not to announce his marriage and similar to other actors and voice actors, he liked the idea of not sharing his private life, until something personal was published recently.

Tsuda said, “I think the article may have affected some people and I am also frustrated by the people who were involved in writing it, so I had no choice but to announce it”.

Tsuda apologized that he had to announce his marriage in this way and he will continue to be focused and deliver a good performance.


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