Tsunku shares a photo of his 12-year-old’s son’s first time cooking

source: https://ameblo.jp/tsunku-blog/

SHARAN Q vocalist and Morning Musume producer TSUNKU wrote about how proud he was of his 12-year-old son for cooking for the first time.

TSUNKU writes:

In many ways, staying at home this spring, many people are learning through the Internet than TV, especially from YouTube. 

So today, he wanted to make a fried rice lunch and would make a bento for me to eat.

He made an octopus wiener and then added to rice to make fried rice and stir-fried while cooking over high heat and paying attention to stirring.

He then made fried chicken, paying attention to the color.

And then it was completed, a men’s bento with high calories.  Great skill!

The first bento made at the age of 12.