Ongaku Cafe (The ’90s): ZARD – Eien (August 1997)

I can’t recommend ZARD enough. “Eien” is a perfect song and a wonderful single… Highly recommended!



LABEL: B-Gram Records



RELEASE DATE: August 20, 1997

  1. 永遠
  2. I can’t let go
  3. 永遠 (Instrumental)
  4. I can’t let go (instrumental)

Reviewed back in 1997

I am such a big fan of ZARD’s music and a true believer that lead vocalist Izumi Sakai has this ability to calm and soothe any listener when a song of theirs is being played on the radio, on TV or via CD. For me, it’s been like this for the longest time now. But there has been one song that I fell in love with last year and it was ZARD’s “Eien” (Forever).

I absolutely love this song, Sakai’s vocals and the musical arrangement. It’s a fantastic song and I have looked everywhere around the United States to purchase this single to no avail (that is trying to buy it without having to spend an insane amount for it.

And fortunately, during my trip to Japan, I found this single calling out for me at a local rental shop that was selling older CD’s. And sure enough, I found “Eien”, albeit used with a rip cover and the RIAJ rental sticker (as you can see from the image) but nevertheless, I have found this wonderful single.

And what a wonderful single it is. “Eien” is just a song that brings one hope. It’s such a wonderful ballad that it’s easy to fall in love with it. The coupling track “I can’t let go” is another solid ZARD track that is pretty cool. I dig the brass on this song and also Sakai’s vocals.

Overall, I can’t recommend ZARD enough. “Eien” is a perfect song and a wonderful single… Highly recommended!