Kanda Masaki and Matsuda Seiko mourn their daughter, actress/singer Kanda Sayaka

Actor Kanda Masaki and singer Matsuda Seiko are the parents of deceased actress/singer Kanda Sayaka and both appeared in front of the press at a funeral hall in Sapporo City on December 21st.

Both made their final farewell to Sayaka at the funeral hall in Sapporo, Kanda Masaki holding an urn with her ashes and Matsuda Seiko holding a mortuary tablet. And when they arrived in front of the press, many can see the anguish in their faces and their eyes.  Both the mortuary tablet and the urn were in pink, their daughter’s favorite color.

Kanda Masaki said, “I think it’s enough that you bothered to show up like this. I was able to say goodbye only to my daughter and receive her ashes. Both of us are not ready to talk, so I’d appreciate it if you could leave us alone for a while.  Thank you for your cooperation”.

Matsuda Seiko said, “I’m really sorry everyone for the cold weather. Thank you” and both left.

Someone from the press then yelled “What are your feelings now?”. Niimi Shohei, the main newscaster of “News Runner” (Kansai Telecasting Corporation), who relayed the press conference, said when the video was switched back to the studio, “I didn’t hear anything. I don’t know who said it. He showed me his face, and I think that’s enough”.

Kanda Sayak was born in 1986 as the only child of Kanda Masaki and Matsuda Seiko.  Kanda and Matsuda divorced in 1997 when Sayaka was ten years old, Matsuda would remarry a dentist in 1998 and would divorce again two years later.  Sayaka did not have a deep relationship with her stepfather but she remained close to her father at the time.  Her relationship with Seiko has been rocky throughout the years which has been reported in the media for many years.

Kanda who is supposed to celebrate his 71st birthday today is mourning his daughter.  He is scheduled to appear on TV Asahi’s “Asada!  Namadesu Tabi Sarada” on Christmas day. According to the station, it depends on his physical condition if he will appear, but he has a strong desire to fulfill his duties.

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