Ado takes to Twitter to reply about the criticism of the cover of the “Pretty Cure 5” song “Smile go go!”

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Ado posted on Twitter on October 25th to apologize for those who were critical of her singing the cover.  Ado wrote, “I’m really sorry if everyone’s likes have turned to denial because of me”.

The cover of “Smile go go!” received over 1.6 million views:

Regarding the reason for posting the video, “The reason why I posted ‘Smile go go’! Is for the simple reason that I wanted to sing my favorite Pretty Cure 5 song as child on my birthday. Since I was celebrating an important milestone of turning 20. ‘Pretty Cure 5’ is one of the most important works in my life!”

However, there were some criticisms, such as “I didn’t want you to sing” and “Ado’s voice and Pretty Cure don’t match.” On the 25th, in response to this reaction, Ado apologized, saying, “I’m really sorry if everyone’s likes have turned to denial because of me.”

Ado also said, “Because I love you! There are times when I act with the feeling that I love you, but there are times when it’s not so good…” “I’m sorry. Thank you”.

On October 20th, it was announced that Ado signed a partnership with Geffen Records, which is owned by Universal Music and will be releasing music in the United States.

 At the moment, no specifics have been revealed about Ado’s expansion into the United States, but most recently, the anime movie “ONE PIECE FILM RED”, in which Ado was in charge of the theme song and in-game songs, will be released in North America on the 4th of next month. Therefore, Geffen is expected to be responsible for advertising and sales promotion.

Back in August, the theme song “Shin Jidai” reached No. 1 in the world on Apple Music, a major distribution company, and many Americans are interested in Ado. In the future, it is expected that music will be sent to the United States, and Ado enthusiastically said, “I am honored and excited. I will do my best in the United States and the world.”