Japanese Baby Name Ranking 2022! Ao/Aoi won first place for boys and Himari/Hinata for Girls

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It’s that time of the year where people vote for the top baby names of year.

Benesse announced the results of their survey of baby names between January through September 2022.

The results are as follows:

For Boys

  1. Ao/Aoi (previously no. 7) [note: difference in kanji compared to no. 3: 碧]
  2. Haruto (same ranking as last year)
  3. Aoi/Ao (same ranking as last year) [Note: difference in kanji compared to no. 1: 蒼 which is more for the color blue]
  4. Asahi (previously no. 5)
  5. Rin (previously no. 1)

For Girls:

  1. Himari/Hinata (same ranking as last year, has been no. 1 for seven consecutive years)
  2. Rin (previously no. 3)
  3. Yuina/Yuna (previously no. 9)
  4. Mei (same ranking as last year)
  5. Uta (previously no. 17)