And the ratings are in… The 73rd Annual NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen received a 35.3% rating, the second lowest ratings ever

NHK was no doubt testing things out for the 73rd Annual NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen. Trying to see by focusing on performers that would appeal to a younger generation might boost ratings and did it pay off?

In the 73rd NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen, which was broadcast on New Year’s Eve in 2022, the second part of the New Year’s Eve special (9:00 pm to 2:45 minutes) had an average audience rating in the Kanto region (general TV) of 35.3%. was. Video research announced on the 2nd. It was 1.0 points higher than the previous year, which was the lowest since 1989 when the two-division system was introduced, but it was the second lowest ever.

The average audience rating for the second part of the Kansai region was 36.7% (up 1.7 points from the previous year).

In the first part of the special from 7:20 pm, the rating was 31.2% in Kanto (down 0.3 points) and 30.2% in Kansai (down 0.9 points).

The ratings have been declining for the longtime New Year’s Eve special, but the competition at the time slot and the addition of more programming online and on other networks also have posed a threat to the ratings of Kouhaku Uta Gassen.

In fact, it would appear that many chose to visit the YouTube channel to watch the highlight of performances than watch the actual show. Many younger people chose to watch something else or partake in New Year’s Eve events.

While the elderly that many could depend on watching, were turned off by not knowing any of the groups, because the guest list were primarily newer bands/groups.

While many were excited to see Shinohara Ryoko perform 28 years later, Kudo Shizuka perform 24 years later and Anzen Chitai perform 37 years later, it made many wonder, why is this happening now?

But if anything that can be said, this year’s NHK’s Kouhaku Uta Gassen was no doubt a test. A test to see how a more progressive setlist and if it would appeal to a younger generation?

But with so many things to watch on other channels, online and also events in real life, instead of comparing NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen’s strong ratings of the past, maybe come to accept that in the Reiwa era, anything over 30% in ratings has become the norm.

And as any indication shows from the viewing numbers posted as highlights on the YouTube channel, many viewers are comfortable of watching YouTube and TikTok, are more likely to watch not live but the performances after the event is done.

NHK may need to consider showcasing the entire NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen on YouTube and stream it live and instead of showcasing highlights, showcasing the entire performance.  Either way, it’s a new modern era and if NHK may have noticed, many people who did not watch the live show, were coming to their YouTube channel to watch these highlights.  Which is probably more convenient for the younger demographic they are trying to reach.