The Shin Ultraman x HHKB keyboard collaboration set, which was sold out due to its popularity, is now on sale again

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From January 4th, PFU has started reselling the collaboration set of “Shin Ultraman” and Happy Hacking Keyboard (HHKB) sets which have been sold out since November last year, as they were limited to 87 sets.  But now an additional 108 sets are now available at PFU Direct. The price is 39,600 yen.

This product was released to commemorate the release of “Shin Ultraman” on Prime Video. After the initial 87 sets were sold out, 108 additional sets were sold in response to many requests for additional production.

Set contents
・HHKB Professional HYBRID Type-S Keyboard (1 model of your choice) [Note: There are different color models to choose from]
・HHKB color key top set
・Shin Ultraman key top set
・Collaboration sticker

In addition, if there are many requests, there is a possibility of further resale.