Okinawa Actors School to restart, to hold audition for BBWAVES

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The Okinawa Actors School, which has produced many popular artists such as DA PUMP, MAX and SPEED, will be restarted. Makino Anna, the daughter of the founder, Makino Masayuki, is working on the development as a producer.

Okinawa Actors School has a newly established studio on the 9th floor of Palette Kumoji.

The members selected in the audition form “BBWAVES” and aim to debut by learning singing and dancing.

A new program for training instructors will also be established this time.

Anna enthusiastically said, “I would like people who like singing and dancing to try it. I want to find new talent.”

Applications for the Instructor Program Document Examination must be submitted by the 31st.

“BBWAVES” audition recruitment is scheduled to start on January 23rd. For details, please visit the school’s official LINE.