Shibuya Kayo will be a guest at Otakon 2023

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Content creator, Anisong DJ, singer and published author Kaho Shibuya will be a guest at Otakon 2023, according to Otakorp Inc. This will be her second Otakon and U.S. East Coast.

Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, Shibuya has been making waves on the cosplay and convention scene. She has hosted her own radio show, has released multiple music singles, and is an accomplished author, as well. Her first Japanese-only book, “Everything Girls Should Know About The JAV Industry,” has recently been translated, repurposed, and published in English. It instantly became a number one new release on Amazon. Shibuya will once again host her own booth in the dealer’s hall, where fans can check out exclusive merchandise, or get an autograph and photo.

Otakon 2023 will be held from July 28 to July 30 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
ABOUT OTAKON AND OTAKORP, INC.: Now entering its twenty-ninth year, Otakon is an annual celebration
of Japanese and East Asian popular culture, and also one of the largest gatherings of fans in the United
States. Otakon celebrates popular culture as a gateway to deeper understanding of Asian culture, and has
grown along with the enthusiasm for anime, manga, video games, and music from the Far East. Historically,
Otakon has drawn up to 34,000 people for three days each year (for a paid attendance of over 100,000
turnstile attendees). Otakon is a membership-based convention sponsored by Otakorp, Inc., a Pennsylvania-
based, 501(c)3 educational non-profit whose mission is to promote the appreciation of Asian culture, primarily
through its media and entertainment. Otakorp, Inc. is directed by an all-volunteer, unpaid staff – we are run by
fans, for fans.

For more information about Otakorp, Inc., see
For more information and the latest news on Otakon 2023, see