Tenchim to suspend activities indefinitely at the end of September

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On August 3rd, YouTuber Tenchim announced in a video that she would be going on hiatus indefinitely. It will be suspended at the end of September and will refrain from updating SNS.

In the video titled “[Report] At the end of September, the activity will be suspended indefinitely”, she explained, “I can’t say!” To the fans, she bowed, saying, “I feel unfair and I don’t like it, but I would like to refrain from explaining the reason for the hiatus”.

In the video, Tenchim expressed her gratitude, saying, “September will be the end of all activities. Thank you very much.” Regarding the possibility of returning, she said, “I don’t know about the future myself, but when I say ‘retire’, it becomes difficult to come back when I want to go back, so I decided to take the form of an indefinite hiatus”.

“I want you to think that I might be half retired and half return! Don’t take it so deeply,” she said. Regarding her activities so far, she clearly stated, “I really have no regrets. I’m satisfied with life, so it’s like giving common sense the middle finger and walking my own path!” she said with a smile.

She also denied any marriages, arrests, or external pressure, although she said the lack of explanation might spark speculation.