NGT48’s Nakai Rika posted on SNS, deletes SNS but is quick to make an apology

NGT48 is under the spotlight now that they are back to performing and back on SNS and so a lot of the media coverage over the weekend was almost all NGT48-related.

And once again, Nakai Rika was under the spotlight as many people try to make sense on what she is trying to post.

Before NGT48 were not allowed to post on SNS, many people scrutinized her messages as her trying to make a direct post towards Yamaguchi Maho and those of NGT48 who supported her.

And part of the reason why NGT48 members lost their SNS temporarily and led to the demotion of Kato Minami was because she posted an insensitive message with a photo of Yamaguchi and the others who graduated with her on SNS, a message that was meant for her friends.

But the damage was done and it added more fuel to the fire.

And when Nakai Rika posted on SNS about “I want to say that I can no stop anything, I can not control anything” and “to think of the enemy”, she deleted the Twitter and she realized that she’s going to get misconstrued by those reading her tweets and that’s what happened.

Nakai quickly took to Instagram to help people understand what happened.

She said, “When I started SNS again, I worried and frustrated everyone. It is my fault as there are so many things that I want to convey in my own words but there were so much things I wanted to say that I was unable to communicate it well. I’m sorry. I am often misunderstood and sometimes my words don’t come out right, but I hope I can gradually fix that. I am careful not to hurt someone by unintentional misunderstanding to the fact that there is no subject in the sentence because of my simple, bad or strange sentence. Thank you for your guidance and encouragement”.

The fact that Nakai was able to communicate that alone is important and a big step in NGT48 healing and winning back their fans.


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やっと切ったとこまで追いついた😭(笑) 通知うるさいから切っといてね 連投魔だから😈💗 とりあえず今日はファンのみんなに久々にパフォーマンスを見てもらえて感無量でした! 明日からも応援してくださっている方々にすこしでも笑顔になってもらえるようなことを少しずつではありますが私にできることから精一杯やっていきたいと思います。 ファンのみんなはたくさん待たせてしまったけど待っててくれたその愛に恩返しができるように頑張るので、これからもよろしくお願いします。 SNSを改めて開始して早速皆様にご心配、ご迷惑をかけてしまったかと思います。 でも私の言葉で伝えたいことがいくつもあって、それが溢れ出てしまってなかなかうまく伝わらなかったのもわたしのせいです。ごめんなさい。誤解されることや言葉足らずなことも多いわたしですが少しずつ治していけたらと思います。 シンプルに頭も悪いので文章的に主語がなかったり なんだか奇妙な文章になっていて言葉のトゲトゲで 自分の意図しないような誤解が生まれて 誰かが傷つくようなことがないように気をつけます。 また、ご指導ご鞭撻の程をよろしくお願いします!✨✨ 真面目!!!

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With that being said…one will need to not read into Nakai’s tweets so much, because no one exactly knows what the heck she’s typing.

As for a tweeted today…

Nakai wrote, “I was so scared that I was shaking.  Are you all right?  My hands are shaking”.

For those who were in another areas of Japan, probably wouldn’t know what was being discussed.  But Japan was rocked by a major earthquake in Fukushima and it was so rough that people in Tokyo felt it.