What happens when PDRsan opens his latest Village Vanguard Fukubukuro (Lucky Bag)

YouTuber PDRsan is back with another YouTube video showcasing his Village Vanguard Fukubukuro and he, his wife Mimei and his brother PDS Kabushiki Gaisha have been showcasing their (un)lucky bags for years. Will 2022 be any different? In what has become a tradition, we have Read More …

PDR-San addresses Watanabe Mahoto scandal on his YouTube channel, YouTuber Korekore released a new video indicating possibly more victims

PDR-San (Duncan Ryunosuke Pain) is one of the long time YouTubers in Japan, along with his brother Dante (PDS Kabuki Gaisha) and and wife YouTuber, Mimei. PDR-san is also one of the cooler YouTubers who unlike other YouTubers in Japan will call out other YouTubers Read More …