UPDATE: TV networks, Johnny’s Jimusho, TOKIO’s Kokubun Taichi respond to police investigation involving TOKIO’s Yamaguchi Tatsuya

Last Friday, FUJI TV reported that TOKIO member, Yamaguchi Tatsuya, was sent documents under suspicion of forced indecency.

According to the report, Yamaguchi (46) invited a 16-year-old girl who he met through his show NHK “R no Hosuku” (R’s Law) to his home back in February, encouraged her to drink alcohol and forced her to kiss him.

Yamaguchi sent out a statement last week, “I have offered my apology with my whole heart to the victim, who has agreed to come to a settlement”.

NHK responded with the cancellation of the Wednesday and Thursday airing of “R no Hosoku” in which Yamaguchi would meet with high school girls.  As well as stopping the distribution of past episodes via VOD.

Yamaguchi will not appear on NTV’s “The! Tetsuwan! DASH!!”, the morning program “ZIP!” and as host for the variety show “Shiawase! Bomby Girl” for the time being.

Fuji TV responded by not airing the episode of “TOKIO KAKERU” on April 25th.

The governor Uchibori Masao of Fukushima Prefecture who appointed TOKIO for their agricultural products said that he was surprised about the report and it is under consideration if TOKIO will continue to be appointed as the prefecture’s products.

It is not known if Yamaguchi’s duty as special ambassador along with his fellow TOKIO members to promote the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games flag tour will be affected.

Johnny’s Jimusho sent the following statement:



Yamaguchi feels deeply sorry for kissing the victim without considering her feelings after drinking alcohol.

He has apologized sincerely to the victim and have settled.

UPDATE: Yamaguchi Tatsuya will hold a press conference on April 26th at 2:00 p.m.

UPDATE 2:  TOKIO member Kokubun Taichi began the show to address his fellow band member on the TBS program “Vivid” and made a tearful apology to the viewing audience for Yamaguchi’s actions.

Kokuban apologized for everyone who believed in Yamaguchi and was hurt.  He said that he is feeling sad, disappointed and there are a lot of emotions that are going in his mind and he is very sorry..

Kokubun explained that the other members were informed by their manager after the Fuji TV report on the 25th.

Kokubun said on the TBS program “Vivid” that he has exchanged e-mails with the other four members of TOKIO but he has not had any contact or received any e-mail from Yamaguchi.

Kokubun was asked about being the representative of the Fukushima Prefecture PR for their agricultural products.  Kokubun said that he apologizes for everyone that has been inconvenienced by this in Fukushima.  But he also mentioned that Fukushima vegetables do not change and encourages people to please continue to eat vegetables from Fukushima.

Kokubun was emotional throughout the entire program.  Kokubun also said that what Yamaguchi did is absolutely unacceptable.

UPDATE 3: The Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee has made a comment to discuss what will happen as TOKIO members are the official ambassadors.  There is discussion of removing TOKIO as ambassadors or just withdrawing Yamaguchi as an ambassador.