Office 30 claims they own the rights to the name “Hirose Kohmi”, Hirose responds on Twitter that she will continue on with activities as Hirose Kohmi


It was announced on May 28th that Hirose Kohmi switched agencies and left Office 30 and is now affiliated with Muse Endeavor.

It was mentioned that her new website will be at

Hirose Kohmi is known as the “Winter Queen” in Japan for her string of hit songs that are often used in winter sporting goods company Alpen’s advertising campaigns and is best known for her million selling single “Romance no Kamisama” (1993).

Office 30 posted on their website and also on her previous official website that Hirose moved to a new office without obtaining their permission nor have they received any prior consultation.

According to Office 30, Kohmi Hirose is a name created by Office 30’s representative director Hirano Yoichi and the authority to use the entertainment name of “Hirose Kohmi” belongs to Hirano Yoichi and she (they refer to her real name as Ishii Mami) can not use the name “Hirose Kohmi”.

Because Ishii Mami is still taking part in activities using the name of “Hirose Kohmi” without the permission of the company, the agency is planning to take legal action as the name belongs to them and she can not use the name of “Hirose Kohmi”.

And her agency officially announced that Hirose Kohmi has suspended all artists activities.

Hirose Kohmi took to Twitter and posted the following:

Hirose Kohmi tweeted, “To everyone who is supporting me, I am very surprised about what is being reported.  Sorry to worry anyone.  I will continue my activities as Hirose Kohmi.  Please do not worry.  Even now, I think the most important thing is your support.  I will post an update again”.