GACKT eats bread for the first time in four years, has not eaten rice in 20-years

GACKT did something he has not done for four years and that is eating bread.

While in Lyon, France, GACKT posted a video on Instagram and wrote:

When I started my solo project,I decided not to take any carbs and 1 meal a day. Only when I come to France, I’m allowed to eat breads. It’s a tiny happy, but I’m sooooooo happy. I haven’t have a rice for 20 years though.

ソロになった時、一日一食にし炭水化物をやめた。パンはフランスに来た時のご褒美と決めた。4年ぶりのパン。なんてことない事かもしれないが幸せだ。米は20年食べてない。 When I started my solo project,I decided not to take any carbs and 1 meal a day. Only when I come to France, I’m allowed to eat breads. It’s a tiny happy, but I’m sooooooo happy. I haven’t have a rice for 20 years though. @GACKT #4年ぶりのパン #4yearsSinceIHad #美味しいなぁ #些細な幸せされど大きな幸せ #ご褒美っていい #この感動わかる伝わるかなぁ #WonderIfItCanReachYouHowHappyIam #さてこれでまた頑張れる #これは節制ではなく自分との単なる約束 #GACKTstagram #ジャムも美味しいなぁ #チクショー #ふてぇ奴らだぁ #愛しいゼぇ #また必ず愛に来るからなぁ

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GACKT has been upfront on Instagram of his eating habits, from eating 1 meal a day to fasting by only drinking vegetable juice and coffee, along with taking in supplements and protein.