Taiwan band noovy collaborates with YouTuber Asagi

The Taiwan band noovy is releasing their third single in Japan titled “LION DANCE” on July 25th and for the coupling song “Bokutachi no Hanabi” (Our Fireworks), the group is collaborating with YouTuber, Asagi (Asaginyo).

A music video (Document ver.) was released on YouTube:

The band will be performing on tour in Japan in August-September 2018:

noovy 2nd 全国ツアー『LION DANCE ~ぬびが舞う~』
08/31(金) 渋谷 クアトロ(2マン)
09/01(土) 名古屋 RAD HALL (ワンマン)
09/02(日) 大阪 PANGEA  (ワンマン)
09/07(金) 福岡 INSA  (対バンあり)
09/09(日) 広島 CAVE-BE  (対バンあり)
09/15(土) 宮城 HooK SENDAI  (対バンあり