Kinoshita Yukina concerned for her daughters due to the heatwave in Japan

In Japan, over 30 people have died and 10,000 people hospitalized due to the heatwave in Japan.

Temperatures have risen to 40.7 c (105 degrees F) combined with humidity and already a child has died in an outdoor class.

Model Kinoshita Yukina is concerned for her two daughters due to the heatwave.

熱中症のニュースについて。 暑いね☀️夏だね🍉 なんてノーテンキに夏を感じれないくらい異常な暑さだね🔥🔥 大人でもクラクラする🌀 今いろんな学校でも 毎日のように、熱中症で搬送❗️とかニュースで見るんだけど、学校に送り出す親としては、ハラハラしちゃうよね。大丈夫かなぁって。 今日も元気に帰ってきてくれて、ありがとう。てなるよ。私たちが、小学生の時はまだ、最高気温が28.29℃とかで、午前中のプールの時間は寒って感じだったなぁ。それでも、うちの小学校は、水筒有りにしてくれてたな!! バレないようにポカリいれてたけど! こんなに、毎日 学校で、過ごしている時間の、いろんなとこで、児童が、熱中症になっているのに、いまだに、水筒持ち込み禁止とか。。 子を送り出す親としては、心配でしかたないよねー。 部活やってる子とかも特にね。 もうさ、今までのに暑さ、猛暑とは はるかに、レベル違すぎな 気温なんだから… ただちに、今から、明日からでも防げるような、対策をして欲しいですね✨✨ 大人は自ら、水分補給しなきゃ!と思えるけど、喉が乾いた時には、もう遅いってのが熱中症なんだってね🔥🔥 水分補給タイムをこまめに作るとか 塩分をとるとか、、対策してもらいたいですな。。🤔 #ご近所さんがボヤいてた #中1小4年中を持つうちのお姉ちゃんも #学校側に疑問を持っている #わたしの姪っ子陸上部 #水筒禁止 #殺す気ですか? #葛飾区大丈夫ですか?😿 #おい地元!!!! #わたしはニュースを見て勝手に #色々おもう #賛否両論あるとおもうけど #子を送り出す親としてのキモチ #職員室はクーラーついてる #教室にもつけていただきたく #こないだ小学校でクーラー消してロケしたら #まじで具合悪くなった😶

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Kinoshita wrote, “The new about heat stroke.  It’s summer and it’s hot, it’s extraordinarily hot”.

Kinoshita continued, “At various schools, there have been cases of heat stroke.  As a parent, I wonder if it’s safe to send my child to school.  When we were elementary school students, the maximum temperature was still 28-29 degrees Celsius and the pool in the morning would be cold.  I would take a bottled water to school.  I was totally disappointed to hear that bottled water is prohibited in schools, every day is a potential that children can get heat stroke.  As a parent who sends their child, I’m worried.  Especially as children are doing club activities, the heat from the hot weather is too hot and I want to take measures to prevent my children from getting heat stroke”.

Kinoshita had hashtags #waterbottleban #Do you want to kill?  #Katsushika is it ok?   #Staff rooms are cooler”

The Instagram post has received over 914,000 views and people chimed in at how in Japan, their experiences are different.

One posted, “Our elementary schools allow people too bring bottled water.  Inside they give out sports drinks, two electric fans in each classroom, there are only three hot classrooms”.

Another posted, “At my son’s school, the closing ceremony in the gymnasium was too hot, so they held it in an air-conditioned room”.

Another wrote, “I am worried all the time as I’m a parent with a daughter who is an elementary school student.  Especially when my daughter comes home with a red face each day”.

Kinoshita’s post has been picked up by many media outlets and with the news of deaths from the heatwave, how to protect children and elderly is going to be a big topic.