Goriki Ayame posts a heartfelt Instagram post, may delete all of her past posts

Last week, we posted a blog post about how happy Ayame Goriki was with her boyfriend, ZOZO president, Maezawa Yusaku at the FIFA World Cup Finals.  Both posted individual photos at the finals and not together.

At the time, people posted comments of support to both of them going together to the World Cup Finals and wearing matching shirts but once the Instagram post went viral, the haters began posting negative comments on her Instagram.

Rude comments started to flow through, trying to make it sound like Goriki was a diva for dating a wealthy businessman and that she was able to go to Russia and flaunt it.

Some were direct in saying that she should respect her fans by leaving out anything personal from her Instagram posts.

And even Ninety-Nine comedian Okamura Takashi said on his radio show about Goriki, “It would be better for you to think about your fans first”.

The week has been tough for Goriki with a few people being overly critical towards her, even some comparing her to actress Sawajiri Erika.

Goriki Ayama took to Instagram to post a message to her fans:

私の投稿やコメントで応援してくださっている皆さまに、ご心配をおかけしてしまい申し訳ありません。 大先輩の皆さまも気にかけてくださっているのを報道で目にしました。ありがとうございます。 皆さまからのコメントもしっかりと読ませていただいてます。 厳しいご意見やアドバイスを真摯に受け止め、自分の考えをまとめました。 改めて、私はお芝居が大好きです。 お芝居を仕事にさせていただけていることは自分の夢でもあったし、実際に数々のお仕事をいただく中で、たくさんの貴重な経験と勉強をさせていただきました。 ただ、このままではいけないという強い危機感も持っています。 演じるという技術的な面の成長だけではなく、人間的な内面の成長をしなければ、本当の意味での自分の目指す役者にはなれない、と日々感じています。 そんな中、いろんな意味で想像の斜め上をいく発想や行動をする彼と時間を過ごさせてもらっています。 ついていくのにも必死で、新しく勉強することもいっぱいです。 皆さまが想像する通り、住む世界が違うなと感じることも正直ありますが、私にできるサポートは全力でしていきたいと思います。 彼と過ごす時間の中で、すでにたくさんの普段経験することのできない体験や、出逢うことのない人との出逢いがあります。 そんな一瞬一瞬を大切に感謝しながら、その経験が自分の成長に繋がっていくように毎日を過ごしていきたいです。 今、私がここにいられるのは、紛れもなく皆様のお陰です。 与えていただいた環境やチャンスを無駄にせず、お仕事でもプライベートでも自分のできることは諦めずに全力で吸収しやり遂げ、足りないところがあれば勉強し、少しでも皆さまの笑顔につながるようなことがしたい、というのが今の私の答えです。 自分の正直な気持ちを伝えることにまだまだ慣れていませんが、これからのインスタでは、飾らないありのままの私を見ていただけたら嬉しいです。 役者としてプライベートを見せることがどうなのか、という考えもありますが、自分の身の周りに起こる出来事は自分のお芝居とも表裏一体で、人間的な成長にとっても大切な要素です。 そんな一瞬一瞬を感謝の気持ちで投稿できたらなと思います。 それから、今までのインスタ投稿はこのあとすべて削除します。 心機一転のつもりです。 今までの投稿にいいねやコメントをくださった皆様ありがとうございました。 引き続き 新・剛力彩芽 をよろしくお願いします。

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In her Instagram posts, Goriki writes about Maezawa, “I would like to support all I can do for him.  Whenever I spent time with him, I already have many experiences that I wouldn’t usually experience and encountered people I would never meet.  I would like to spend everyday thankful for every moment and I hope that experience leads to my growth”.

As for the criticism that she has received, “I will delete all the past Instagram posts.  I may change my mind.  Thanks to everyone who gave me comments or comment on my posts”.

Comments posted on Goriki’s Instagram range from supportive to people who had to chime in on the controversy.

“I am surprised that there are many people who can not congratulate people for their happiness, moreover, the happiness of those who support them. Idols have made declarations that they can not be in love.  Romance is natural for human beings.”

“I was reading the news about what happened.  You do not have to delete your Instagram posts”.

“Why do people feel its necessary to criticize human romance?”

“I don’t understand all the controversy.  What is wrong for you going to a football (soccer) match?”

“I have read the criticism and support comments.  Girls want to brag about their boyfriends on social media, but because you are a celebrity, I think it is important to hide it from fans”.

“You want to brag about your boyfriend, however, I don’t think there are a lot of entertainers who can show how things are in their normal life.  I feel that it is not yet accepted in society because you are an actress”.

“I do not think it’s necessary to delete your past Instagram posts.  I don’t care who you associate with and that you like dating people who are rich!  It’s just wonderful to be with someone you like and makes you happy! 

“Please do not mind the people who are criticizing you because they are jealous!  I think those who are criticizing you are wrong!”.

“With the money that was spent to go to Russia, would it have been best to help those who suffered during the disasters?”