Tsuji Nozomi’s family and Kago Ai’s family gathered together for Tsuji’s birthday

With the return to the stage of Kago Ai, Tsuji Nozomi posted a blog and an Instagram of her friendship with her fellow Morning Musume, Mini Moni, W partner.

Both debuted at Morning Musume at the same time back in 2000 for Morning Musume’s ninth CD single “Happy Summer Wedding”.

Source: https://ameblo.jp/tsuji-nozomi/entry-12400815114.html

In Tsuji’s blog, she writes about how their children get along together but she wishes that both she and Kago Ai can be on stage together once again.

With Kago making her return on stage with Hello! Project, we hope a Tsuji/Kago reunion on stage does happen!