Negoto’s nationwide one-man last tour schedule announced, to officially disband on July 20th

Since 2007, Negoto is an electronic rock band which began as high school students to a band who would have numerous hits such as “Loop” (their debut major label single from 2010) and “sharp #”.

Consisting of members Aoyama Sachiko, Masuda Mizuki, Fujisaki Yu and Sawamura Sayako, the Ki/oon Music group will be disbanding n July 20th at the end of their final one man tour, “O kuchi Pokan! LAST TOUR ~netemosametemo Negoto Jyanaito~.

The group has discussed future activities before their 10th anniversary in 2020 and concluded that it’s time to disband.

The group wrote in unison:

To all our fans, thank you for always cheering for us.  This time, we have decided to disband with the final day of our live on July 20, 2019.  It has been 12 years since we formed a band back in high school.  We have made a lot of songs under the spirit of “I can sing anything from our dreams and to make music that does not depend on any genre”.

As a result of talking about our future with each member before the 10th anniversary of our debut, we decided that we wanted to try different, new things and try to walk towards a new stage.

So, we thank everyone for their love and support.  We were able to see a lot of wonderful places and we are grateful to you.  We would be happy if you can continue to support each member in their future life.

We will be performing this last round of our tour with gratitude.  We look forward to seeing you.

Their final concert schedule is as follows:

2019年5月28日(火)東京都 LIQUIDROOM
2019年6月1日(土)大阪府 BIGCAT
2019年6月2日(日)香川県 DIME
2019年6月8日(土)栃木県 HEAVEN’S ROCK Utsunomiya VJ-2
2019年6月14日(金)北海道 cube garden
2019年6月21日(金)福岡県 DRUM Be-1
2019年6月22日(土)広島県 広島セカンド・クラッチ
2019年6月28日(金)宮城県 darwin
2019年6月30日(日)新潟県 GOLDEN PIGS RED STAGE
2019年7月14日(日)京都府 KYOTO MUSE
2019年7月15日(月・祝)愛知県 名古屋CLUB QUATTRO
2019年7月20日(土)東京都 Zepp DiverCity TOKYO