Rola showing people a different side of herself on social media

For years, many people have watched Rola as a ditzy talent, but since her move to Los Angeles, she has surprised many people by showing a side of herself much different from the Rola people often see on television.

Rola has been showcasing her fitness side through her @workout_330 Instagram site and but she has also been showcasing another side through her official Instagram account.


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Sometimes, I eat vegan ramen 🍜♥️たまにらーめん♩😋#Vegan

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In December, Rola became a big discussion in Japan for her support of a petition calling for a halt to reclamation work for the construction of a U.S. base off Okinawa.

The petition received more than 100,000 signatures within 10 days,  in hopes that U.S. President Donald Trump, to stop the construction until February 24th when Okinawa holds a prefectural referendum on the base transfer plan.

Rola wrote on Instagram that the reclamation of Okinawa’s beautiful sea can be stopped if people join hands, calling for their messages to be delivered to the White House.

But Rola has now been using her Instagram which has over 5.3 million followers to send out positive messages in regards to the environment, global warming, saving black rhinos, speaking up against the destruction of habitats for wild animals, sustainable living and more.

Needless to say, Rola has matured since her variety show days and knowing that with her big following, she can utilize social media for the greater good.


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⚠WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES⚠ With roughly over a thousand Rhinos being killed each year and only 5,000 black rhinos left they are now critically endangered and based on statistics can go extinct within the next 5 years if we don’t act now. This is the real world and the graphic images in this video are as real as it gets. Ive personally been heavily impacted by this issue this year and believe that this is something the world NEEDS to see. Fortunately we still have the opportunity to reverse what we’ve done and restore the population of these beautiful creatures back to normal but we need everyones help! Organizations like @vetpaw and the other ones listed on can use as much financial support as possible to operate and expand their operations at this time. Start by sharing this video and if you want to be a part of saving these incredible creatures choose an organization on our site or any credible charity that is working with rhino conservation and donate! These people are devoting their lives to helping these animals and NEED as much help as they can get at this time! @karmagawa has donated $250,000 to @vetpaw already and I’m adding another $10,000 because I want us to win this war! Let’s use our platforms to serve a bigger purpose and win this war!! 毎年約1,000匹を超えるサイが人によって殺害されていて、そして今はクロサイはわずか5000頭しか残されていないんだ。そしてこのまま何も行動をおこさなければ今後5年以内で絶滅してしまう可能性が高いの。@vetpawのような団体やwww.thewaragainstpoaching.comは、動物達を守るために命をかけていて、私は @vetpaw に今朝寄付をしました。みなさまも一緒に寄付をして動物達、そしてそれを支えている方々を助けあおう🙏 #thepossibilitiesareendless

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I got a new book today🌍🕊 #climatechange

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いま生息地の破壊によって毎日100種類以上の生物が絶滅してしまっていると言われているんだ。木材、植物油、牛、紙パルプなどのための森林伐採がその主な原因で、過去20年でオラウータンの生息地の80パーセントが破壊されているの。一つの種が絶滅するとその種だけにとどまらず、相互関係にある種の絶滅の引き金になり、連鎖的に絶滅を引き起こすことも意味していて、そして熱帯雨林の減少は大規模な気象変動を引き起こして、農作物への影響や水不足など様々な分野で計り知れない生活への影響が出てくるんだ。 Destroying the habitats of wild animals is said to be causing more than 100 species to go extinct almost every day. Logging, raising excess cattle, Beef,the overproduction of vegetable oil and paper pulp, etc. are the main causes, and in the past 20 years 80% of the habitat of orangutans has been destroyed. It also means that when one species becomes extinct it doesn’t stop there- it triggers a chain reaction where the species that were reliant upon that species and have symbiotic relationships with it also tend to go extinct. Furthermore, the decline of the tropical rainforests will cause massive weather fluctuations and affects immeasurable lives and industries- in various fields such as agriculture and cause water shortages.

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人間や多くの生き物は呼吸によって体に酸素を取り入れていて、人間は石油などの化石燃料を燃やして作ったエネルギーを使って暮らしているから呼吸以外にも多くの酸素を使っているんだ。その酸素はもともと地球の空気に含まれいたのではなく、30億年もの長い時間をかけて植物が光合成によって作り出してきたんだ。森には地球上の生物種の50%〜80%がありそこにはまだ知られていない生き物もたくさんいます。その森はいま物凄い勢いで切られていて、1分間にサッカーコート20面分もの広さ(毎日ニューヨークの街の広さ)の森林が世界中から消えていきその勢いは毎年増えてアマゾンでは90パーセントの森林が家畜のため切られていてこのままだと100年後には地球から森林がなくなってしまうと言われています。そして日本は世界で1番ゴミを出している国で3番目に木材を使用している国なの。日本で年間280億の割り箸が使い捨てされているのをマイ箸に変えたり、エコバッグを持ったり、過剰な包装をお断りしたり、牛肉を食べない日を作ってみたり、再生紙のティッシュや紙などを使うなど消費をする私達一人一人の意識をみんなで変えていこう🙏 Many living things, including humans, incorporate oxygen into the body by breathing, and humans use oxygen in other ways besides respiration because humans live using energy made by burning fossil fuels, such as oil. That oxygen was not originally contained in the air of the earth, but plants have produced through photosynthesis over a very long time (3 billion years). 50% to 80% of the species on the earth live in forests, and there are many creatures that are not known yet. The forest is now disappearing with tremendous momentum–Every minute, 60 soccer fields worth of forests are disappearing from this planet. This equates to the size of New York City every day, and the size of Italy in one year. The pace of deforestation is increasing every year, and at this pace, in 100 years time, all forests will have been erased from the face of our earth. Japan is the third highest consumer in the world of wood and has become the country that outputs the most garbage in the world. We have to change our ways–quit using disposable chopsticks, use reusable shopping bags, eat less beaf,refuse excessive packaging, use recycled tissues and paper! Now is the time for change!

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昨日はアメリカの元副大統領アルゴアさんに24Hours Of Realityにお誘いを頂き生放送に出演をしたんだ。彼の本は全部読んでいてお話をいただいたときとても嬉しかったです。私は英語がまだ100%パーフェクトじゃないけど地球温暖化について世界中のたくさんの人とシェアができてよかったです。少しでも若い世代の方々たちが立ち上がって行動に移して行けるように私ももっと頑張ります🙏🌳 @climatereality @algore Last night, I participated in 24 Hours of Reality, the 24 hour live stream broadcast that discusses the problems of global warming and pollution. I am so honored to have been asked to represent Japan on this matter and it warmed my heart to see everyone’s comments. We can do better for our planet and we must! I’m working on a few projects that will be my contribution to the issue and I hope other people can be inspired to make a positive change too🙏🌳

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