E3 “Pokemon” announcement is the big news on social media, but netizens worldwide reacted with sadness

With high anticipation for “Pokemon Sword” and “Pokemon Shield” for the Nintendo Switch, with new technology, Masuda Junichi of Game Freak, the company known for the development of the Pokemon games has shared some news from E3 that left fans all over the world quite bitter.

One of the big things about Pokemon is the ability to store your Pokemon in a bank and move them to each game. It’s been part of the game for a long time until now.  In fact, the slogan “Gotta Catch them all!” was what many hardcore Pokemon fans did with the games that were released.

A transcript was posted by Hazuhazu:

Since moving to the Switch and that there are over 800 Pokemon, Masuda said that taking into account of each Pokemon and keeping the battles balanced and delivering the game in a limited development time, after repeated discussions, the ability to move old Pokemon from your bank to the new games will not be possible.

While Galar region Pokemon can be transferred, unfortunately not all of them can.

Needless to say, that some Pokemon gamers all over the world reacted with dismay, while others understood why and while sadden, are just thrilled for a new Pokemon game:

One tweeted for Game Freak to delay the game as many are angry as they want to keep their Pokemon. One said, “We were able to pass down our Pokemon to our kids. How can wedo that when your games will now act as if certain Pokemon never existed?”.

We’ll have to wait and see how Game Freak and Masuda-san responds, if they will or not.  Some feel that the backlash may make them consider and wait until the national Pokedex is released.  Others rather have Game Freak delay the game, so they can catch all the Pokemon.  While others feel, with technology changes, people have to accept change.

Meanwhile, fans have created a petition on change.org: