Japanese netizens are surprised by overseas negative reviews of “Pokemon Sword/Shield”

“Pokemon Sword/Shield” will be released in many countries on November 15th but the negative reviews on metacritic are surprising many Japanese netizens.

As of this moment, “Pokemon Sword” has a 3.6 user score with 160 positive and 423 negative.  “Pokemon Shield” has a 3.5 user score with 75 positive and 200 negative.

Looking at the reviews, here are what people in the US have posted:

ShayminFan95 wrote:

For a fully priced 60$ game, they have less than HALF the content of any of the 3DS Pokémon core series games and nearly no redeemable features. In fact, one of their most notable “features” is the lack of more than half of the old Pokémon (a first for a series, hurray innovation!), which means there’s over 50% chance that your favorite Pokémon is not even in the code for these games. The cut in content also includes moves, some of which make absolutely no sense why they would have been left out.

ReviewGuy13 wrote:

So much from the previous games have been removed, even more so than normal. The lackluster story, graphics, and Pokemon designs don’t make up for what little additions have been given. 55% of Pokemon being removed also ruins the “catch em all” idea. The game does have some nice designs and good human characters. Those aren’t enough to make this game anything more than another 8 gym slog with worse quality than all the other games

there_he_go wrote:

Yet another rushed, disappointing mess for longtime fans of the series. Considering the emphasis that was placed on the graphics and animation quality before the S/S’ release, you’d expect them to at least run at a consistent framerate or not blatantly copy/paste animations from prior games; but neither of these came to fruition. Not worth losing half of the games’ cast for.

Rardo wrote:

To be honest this game is disappointing, don’t get me wrong the game likes nice and all visually but this game just ain’t it. They used the exact same game models from the 3DS and they cut 455 Pokémon from the game for better animation and graphics even though it looks the exactly the same as it did for the past 7 years. I never thought GameFreak could get any lazier and incompetent than this.

Coaltergeist wrote:

While there are many issues with Pokemon sword and shield, I don’t think they warrant giving the game a 1 out of 10. The missing pokemon, the cut moves, the lack of postgame content, the general laziness, and the developer’s arrogant attitude are all working together to make sure this game fails, which is disappointing. I am a huge fan of previous pokemon games, and I don’t want to see the series fail. I cannot overlook the sloppiness present in this game, however. In the end, it isn’t the worst game ever made, but it doesn’t come close to being good.

Japanese netizens wrote about the US reviews:

Americans are honest

This is proof that overseas games are crazy!

This is seriously a bad game

Did someone pay IGN for the high rating?

They are too serious over a childrens game

The negative reviews are growing

But the reviews are not the only bad thing as there are a few people reporting that the game has messed with their saved data both in the US and Japan. According to various reports, those who may have the issue are those who have their SD card formatted in exFat and are recommending people to format in fat32.